Are Heavy Metals in your Dark Chocolate?

Although dark chocolate is known to contain healthy antioxidants called flavanols, it can also be contaminated with toxic heavy metals. A recent study shows that one serving of most dark chocolate bars contain lead and cadmium that exceed California’s maximum allowable dose level (0.5 micrograms of lead and 4.1 mcg of cadmium.) Below are the chocolate bars that tested the highest in both lead and cadmium.

Thankfully, 5 of the 28 bars tested in the study did not exceed California’s maximum allowable dose level and would be the safest to consume in order to avoid lead and cadmium toxicity.

Cadmium gets into the cacao bean primarily through absorption from the soil as the plant grows. Lead gets into the cacao bean by being absorbed through the soil and through contamination during the drying process of the cacao seed. Thus, it can be very difficult to avoid these two metals when consuming chocolate. Thankfully, with this research, we are able to make a more informed decision when we purchase our dark chocolate bars. For more information on the study please visit consumer labs website.

Stay tuned for more nutritional health facts.

Dr. Millard ND